All girls interested in volleyball (grades 5-12) should fill out this form.
All athletes (no exceptions) must have the form on www.arbiterathlete.com. This includes uploading the physical form which must be signed by a doctor.
Rising 9-12 (JV and Varsity) Preseason training begins Tuesday and Thursdays July 16-25 from 8-9 AM (strongly encouraged but not required). Tryouts will begin August 1-2 from 7:30-9:30 am. Rising 8th graders who are interested in JV may also attend. (Remember that you must have all your arbiter forms completed to tryout. See practice schedule here . JV team fees will be $75. Varsity fees TBA.
Rising 5-8th grade will start with a camp August 12-16th from 9 am- noon. Camp will cost $100 You must have all your arbiter forms completed online and a hard copy of the volleyball league liability form. Practice will begin August 19th time TBA. B-team fees are $40 (if you did not attend camp). If you have a jersey from last year, you will use it this year. If you do not have a jersey from last year, jersey cost is $25.
One fundraiser we do are signs and banners. Families that buy or get a company to buy a sign/banner for the volleyball program will have team fees waived. If you are interested please click this form.