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Update from Head of School


I pray that everyone has been able to enjoy some time with family over our Spring Break even in less than ideal circumstances. While our desire is for everyone to be back together after the break on our school campuses, the safety and health of our students, families, and staff are of the utmost importance. Please read below for reminders and information as we shift into full distance learning on March 30th.

  • School Calendar- In recent days, our Governor stated that South Carolina schools should remain closed through the end of April. FBS will be following state guidelines regarding school closings. As of now, plan on distance learning at least through the end of April.

  • Distance Learning- All students in grades 5-12 will begin on Monday (3/30) at 8:30 am with an "A Day," and students in grades K5-4 will also start on Monday but will need to refer to their specific class schedules set up by their teachers. For more information and guidelines on Distance Learning, please go here.

  • Chapel-We will be recording and sharing grade-level appropriate chapel messages for students each week during this period of distance learning. 

  • Community Prayer- Each day between 8:00 am-8:30 am, we ask that everyone pray specifically for our FBS family, community, and nation. 

  • Communication/Updates- During this period of distance learning, the primary source of communication will be via email, but for instant updates and information, please follow us on our social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and our school website.

  • Student Counseling- If you have students that need counseling services during this time, please reach out to Rose Cummings (

Our administration and staff have worked diligently to ensure that all of our students will be receiving quality, Christ-centered instruction during this period of distance learning. Even though we are not in a traditional classroom setting, our instruction has been modified to ensure learning and that best practices are utilized. Communication between teachers and families during this time will be vital, so please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher directly if you have questions.

We know that in this period of "social distancing," it is crucial that we maintain our connection as a school community. Of course, there will be a daily connection for students and teachers, but we will be posting videos from our staff to provide an additional connection to the FBS community. In the coming days, we will be sharing more ways where we can better serve you during this transition time and how you can help some of our families, if you so desire.

We love all of our school families, and we consider it a blessing to serve all of you.


Jeremy Blackstock

Head of School


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