Hello parents,
I am so excited to begin this next school year! Despite all of the precautions and uncertainties, one thing is for sure, and that is that we miss your children and can’t wait to welcome them next month! You have all done such an amazing job through distance learning and the summer, and I’m sure you are as ready for school re-opening as we are! We, as a staff and faculty, always strive to make the best, lasting and most positive impact on all of our students, including and especially during impressionable times like these. If we are all on the same page, this will only enhance their experience and allow for the most wisdom to be gained during this time. This is a time to capitalize on the growth mindset that is innate for our children. The way that a child wishes to open a lemonade stand on a street with few visitors without considering the variables, but believes that they will have success; this innate positive outlook is what we want to build upon.
As we approach the re-opening of school, we want to remind you that you help determine your child’s attitude. You will be your child’s biggest influencer throughout this time. While it is natural to share some aspects of the Corona virus and why we are going through the many changes that we are, we also want to be sure that we are sharing only what is necessary, and age appropriate. Children in Elementary and Middle School do not need to know the global impact that this virus is having, nor death counts. They can not conceive such information and thus will conceptualize and this may lead to anxiety. Keep the news and facts to a minimum if possible.
Let’s work together and set them up for success! Let’s be positive about this next school year, and always remind each other that all of these conditions are temporary and that we will get through this next chapter together. Mention the positives about the process, such as more bike rides, more time with pets, and any other positive aspects of this time that you can think of. Be a sounding board for their worries and disappointments, but stay positive and model perseverance. Remember, we are in this together! If you have any questions about what is age appropriate, or any of the fore-mentioned, please call or send me an email so that we can set up a time to talk. Thank you and God bless.
Rose M. Cummings, LPC
First Baptist School Counselor