Dear Parents,
In these "unprecedented times" we realize there must be a balance between the need for safety and with our children's need to learn and grow socially. Based on feedback from our parent and faculty surveys, in consultation with medical experts, and upon recommendation of our Faculty and Staff reopening Task Force, we have determined that it is best for us to open the school in phases. The plan calls for a gradual opening of the school, with in-person instruction available for all our students by Sept 8th. (Unless an unforeseen circumstance arises such as an executive order or significant increases of positive COVID infection rates.)
Opening in phases will allow us time to fully put our safety processes and protocols in place, provide more resources and distance learning training to our teachers, complete facility modifications at the High School, and to monitor the trends in the medical community. Our faculty will return on August 10th, either live or virtually for professional development training, distance learning training, safety procedures/protocols and lesson planning. A virtual tour of the campus with these new protocols will be available August 17th.
Opening Schedule
K2-K4 – Aug 17
K5- 6th – Aug 24, 7th-12th – Aug 24 (Online instruction begins)
7th-8th – Aug 31
9th-12th – Sept 8
We are fully committed to starting school as soon as we can – but also as safely as we can. The safety of our students, families, faculty and staff are of primary importance. This phased opening will allow us time to further ensure everyone’s safety. Thank you for your patience and for continuing to lift our school and faculty in prayer during this time.
First Baptist School
Board of Directors