Before we begin this month's blog update, I wanted to share with everyone where we are in the Downtown Construction project. Currently, the church is waiting on final approval from the Board of Architectural Review, and the construction will hopefully begin around the first of the year. Of course, we will keep everyone updated as we receive them. I also want to thank everyone for their patience and flexibility when it comes to the drop-off/pick up procedures at the Downtown Campus.
Students and Social Media
It seems each year we discuss how our students are using social media, and as much as we may fight against technology, it has become a significant part of our culture. The below articles will hopefully prove helpful as you travel this road as parents.
I hope these articles and other information you research will allow you an open door to have more informed conversations with your children about their social media usage and online safety. Be sure to set boundaries and choose what works best for your family. We are always here to partner with you and help wherever needed.
I am praying for all of you!
God Bless and Go Canes!
Jeremy Blackstock, Head of School
Important October Dates
October 10: New Family Breakfast (8:30 am, HS Media Center)
October 11: Homecoming
October 16: Half-Day
October 17-18: Fall Break (No School)
October 24: FBS Family Q&A with the Headmaster (6:00 pm, HS Aux Gym)