Greetings, First Baptist Community!
Psalm 100:4-5 challenges each of us to, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the LORD is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” As we enter into this season of Thanksgiving, let us first remember to give thanks to HIM who has blessed us beyond measure. Our FBS Community has so many reasons to be thankful.
We are thankful that our Downtown Campus has continued to thrive with activity and engaging instruction. We are also so thankful for the hard work our teachers do for our students each and every day. Our first rounds of Coffee and Cookies with Administrators have gone well and provided us with a great time to meet informally with parents. Boat building is well underway and our middle schoolers are enjoying participating in PE on James Island. We had a great turnout for our costume parade on Friday, October 29th. Our Downtown Musical Theatre group will be presenting “Cinder-Really!?" on Thursday, November 18th at 6:00 pm in the church sanctuary.
We are thankful for all of the opportunities for our students on our James Island Campus. We hosted our inaugural 5K on the James Island Campus on Saturday, October 9th which was huge success thanks to Mrs. Jackson. We had a great time during spirit week and at our first post-COVID pep rally on October 22. Homecoming was a success as the Canes beat Pinewood 31 to 29. The C.R.E.A.T.E. club is currently leading the James Island Campus in the The Daffodil Project whose mission is "to build a worldwide Living Holocaust Memorial by planting 1.5 million Daffodils in memory of the children who perished in the Holocaust and in support for children suffering in humanitarian crises in the world today." To date, memorial gardens around the world have planted over 664,000 bulbs and we will be planting 1,000 bulbs on our James Island Campus the week of November 8th-November 12th. We look forward to watching our bulbs emerge in the spring.
As a reminder, Thanksgiving Break will be Monday, November 22nd through Friday, November 26th. Please know that we are thankful for the opportunity to serve our students, families, each other, and you, our First Baptist community. Have a wonderful season of Thanksgiving!
We invite you to stay up-to-date with current events by following First Baptist School’s social media and our school webpage. #WeAreFB
Be Blessed!
Dr. Justin Mitchell, Head of School

Check out the November Hurricane Watch here!