Just as we were getting settled into the school year, Hurricane Dorian comes along and gives us an unexpected early break. While days off for storms are generally not welcomed, we can see the devastation caused by Dorian, and we can be thankful. We can rejoice that there was minimal damage in our area, but our heart breaks for those in the Bahamas and along our east coast that was significantly affected by this storm. If you're interested in giving to relief efforts, Water Mission (based in North Charleston) is a great place to start.
A few items of interest:
Did you know that you can follow our athletic and fine arts programs on social media? Athletics: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter | Fine Arts: Facebook and Instagram
School Calendar and updates can be found here.
Kids love the new lunch program, and that info can be found on the Resources page.
Resource Help - This year at FBS, we are excited to offer student resource help for families. Mrs. Janice Rossman is currently working with a few students and would love to be able to help more families as well. This resource is outside of our budget, so there is an extra cost, but it is incredibly valuable for parents that would like their child to have some individual help. Space is limited, so if you are interested, please email me (blackstockj@fbschool.org) for details.
Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." This verse is an excellent reminder for all of us but especially so for parents with students! We should be joyful in our hope that our children are learning and growing daily, patient when they are struggling or the projects are piling on, and faithful to pray for them and their teachers.
We are thankful you have chosen to entrust your children to us here at First Baptist School. We are here to educate your children, and we are here to serve. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
God Bless and Go Canes!
Jeremy Blackstock, Head of School