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Face Mask Wear and Care

While most children would prefer not to wear a mask, some will adapt to this challenge easier than others. Here are some tips to help introduce your child to the idea of wearing a mask at school.

1. Let Them Be A Part Of The Process

When possible, let your child participate in picking out their mask. You can even purchase plain white ones and have them pick out an applique, patch or draw on it with a permanent marker. Have them pick a mask in their favorite color or pattern. Ask your child what makes them happy, and try to find a mask with that theme, or pattern on it. You can also find pictures of their favorite characters, actors or athletes wearing masks while helping to care for others, and show it to them.

2. Start Early

The earlier you begin this process of having your child wear a mask, the easier the transition will be when they return to school. Whatever amount of time your child is used to wearing a mask, have them try wearing it for 30 minutes or an hour more. You will not need to practice the full time of a school day at any point. The encouragement and example shown by their peers and teachers will facilitate this and make for an easier day. However, if you have done this a bit at home, and shown your support for the cause, this will go a long way!

3. Express Confidence

Resilience is something that our children innately have and you, as the parent, are the most influential example in your child’s life. Despite any initial reservations about the masks your children may have, they will get past this quickly if they sense confidence from you, their parent. Give them positive messages and show that you have faith that they can not only do this, but that they will do well! Some examples of dialogue that you might share with them are: “I know you can do this!” “You’ve got this!” “You have always been a good leader!” “I love the way you are caring for other people!” “I am so proud of you!”

Remember that none of us will do this perfectly, but we are here to help and we will all get through this together. If you need any extra assistance or guidance, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at

FBS Hurricane Masks - We have a limited amount of FBS Hurricane Masks available for purchase through this link.


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